Sino Thai Trade

บทความวิจัยจากโครงการวิจัยปี 66 ที่ผ่านมา

เผยแพร่เมื่อ Feb 12, 2025 | จำนวน 15 ครั้ง

The Resilience of Entrepreneurship in the New Era of the Tourism Supply Chain: A Case Study of the Economic Corridor of Thailand, China, and Laos


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With the pace of global growth in tourism, Thailand, China, and Laos have begun to consider the resilience of entrepreneurship in the tourism supply chain (TSC) industry. Therefore, this study aims to explore and analyze the new tourism supply chain among Thailand, China, and Laos and explore entrepreneurs’ resilience to adapt to new tourism trends. This study used the case and consensual qualitative approaches by conducting thorough observations and in-depth interviews with fifteen stakeholders related to tourism with the phenomenon and perception of the TSC and resilience of entrepreneurs by the narrative supplement of an economic corridor. The result indicated that information flow management benefits customer orientation by sharing information. The input provider needs collaboration to create a tourism experience. Tourism activity and products are focused on developing and adding value. The contribution responds to the different levels and groups of the TSC that are also the basis for new TSC management and addresses effective strategies for entrepreneurs’ resilience in the future, which benefits tourism sustainable development.


随着全球旅游业的发展,泰国、中国和老挝都开始考虑在旅游供应链 (TSC) 中企业家的适应力。本研究旨在确认在泰国、中国和老挝之间新的旅游供应链,并探索这三国企业家在适应新的旅游趋势中表现出的适应力。本研究运用案例和共识定性研究的方法,通过深入观察和深度访谈15名相关利益攸关者对旅游产业链现象和企业家适应力的看法,经济走廊进行叙事补充。结果表明,信息流管理有利于客户导向的信息共享。输入提供者需要合作来创造一种旅游体验。旅游活动和产品的重点是开发和增加产品和服务的价值。本研究的贡献回应了不同层次和群体的TSC,也是新的TSC管理的基础,并有效解决未来企业家的应变能力,这有利于推动旅游业的可持续发展。

